- Mitchell Jolles, President
- Vicki Sholtes, Vice President
- Bruce Farnese, Treasurer
- Kathie Kessler, Secretary
- Kathryn (Mimi) D'Ambrosio
- Claire Field
- Joseph Vaccone
- Michele Wood
- Vacancy
Questions, comments, problems or concerns should be directed by email,
phone or letter to our management company. All communications will be
read promptly and replied to as quickly as
possible. Issues to be addressed will be
thoroughly discussed at our next business meeting. Meetings are normally held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 pm.
In response to the COVID pandemic we began conducting our monthly meetings remotely on Zoom rather than in person at the Clubhouse. Until further notice that will continue to be the case.
Residents are
welcome to attend these meetings on Zoom during an "Open Forum"
to discuss an item of particular concern.
Please contact our community manager at CAMCO Management to register
your concerns and schedule your attendance.
Also, please be aware that occasionally the business meeting is held on an alternate date to accommodate board member schedules.